Thursday, 19 January 2017

25 Second Animation - How To Be Funny BUMPER BONUS BLOG (OUAN405)

A man walks into a bar, and the barman says "why the long face?"

And the man is like "well"...


Ah, bollocks. I've forgotten this one. Urm. OH YEAH!

Did I mention that the man was also a horse?
So, a man walks into a horse
A horse walks into a bar

The bartender says "HEY I'VE POOED MY PANTS"

Nah, actually he says "why the long face?"
And the man says "my house got repossessed"


The HORSE says that
To the man?

I have honestly forgotten this joke

But the punchline is, we all die alone.

Being funny can be hard, especially since there are some JERKS out there with no bloody sense of humour.

"Doctor doctor"
"Who's there?"
"Wait what"
I want to write about whether humour can truly be timeless or not, and will I ever write a joke that future people still find funny? Will every joke eventually grow to be stale as humanity's tastes progress? I mean, of course that will happen at some point because the sun will burn out and we will die. But I mean before then.

I used to hang out with a lot of drama students because I was clearly a huge masochist at some point in my life, and we would look at Shakespeare's comedies and we would all have a chuckle but what I was thinking the whole time was "is this REAAALLY funny? Is cross dressing and goat people still relevant humour?" I'm no Shakespeare expert so it may not be my place to say. In fact, I think I am literally the least educated person on Shakespeare to have ever lived. I don't even know who Shakespeare IS! That's how STUPID I am.

My parents tried to show me a TV series from their generation once, selling it on the promise that they found it hysterical back in the day. It was called "Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em" We sat on the sofa and I could feel their faces contort with shame and embarrassment as it dawned on them that literally everything from the seventies and eighties was horribly outdated and terrible. To protect herself from the savage commentary of her two snarky teenage boys, my Mum curled herself so tightly into the fetal position that the density created a new gravitational pull.

I DON'T want that to happen to meeeeee! I want my jokes to transcend time forever. That's the REAL difficulty with being funny! In my final quest to be truly funny, I scoured the college library, I looked through trends in what the public enjoyed, I watched all the funniest films and cartoons to see what subtle nuance they possessed to give them that wicked sense of humour. Then I took all that I learned and created what I believe is the joke that will stay truly funny for a long time to come:

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