Monday, 27 March 2017

New Group Project (OUAN406)

We're representing the culture of street art in our kinetic typography project, and want to convey the message of unity amongst the REGULAR JOES of the world. No matter what country we're from, the language of great street art is universal because it represents a raw expression of the human condition that anybody can create.

An important question to ask is "what is the difference between graffiti and street art?' Graffiti is destructive, street art is constructive. That's the positive message we want to convey.

We'll do this with frenetic, fast paced and joyous animation that cuts between various worldwide locations to show the unity that comes from street art. The art and text will dance across the buildings to a thumping, primal drum beat.

I've been thinking about interesting camerawork and scene transitions and backgrounds that we can animate onto. I checked out some famous mural locations in Denmark and Japan.

Sakuragicho Station, Japan. I think one could have a lot of fun animating street art interacting with these pillars

The Svanemølle Power Station, Denmark
The background I drew. I'd like to animate street art onto the silver tower and along the wall.
The only tiff I've encountered with my group so far was over what street art we should animate. We had a big argument over cultural appropriation, with me saying that it's fine for us to take the message and art style of revolutionary murals and do something new with them and my teammate saying that the only true way to pay homage to the street art culture was to copy the murals outright and not amend them at all. APPARENTLY, since Im not from a STREET ART COMMUNITY it would be wrong of me to design new street art, even though the whole point of street art is that ANYONE can do it. But APPARENTLY I'm WRONG.

Anyway, because I am a zen monk, I moved on and let go. That is the the nature of doing stuff collaboratively I guess.

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