Sunday, 5 May 2019

Finishing da animashun

I've been winding down with animation on this project. I'm glad I got the more nuanced or labour intensive shots out of the way first, allowing me to burn through the rest quite quickly. I don't regret animating the film on threes as I believe the animation is dynamic enough that it isn't uncomfortable to watch. It's also allowed me to meet the deadline.

Currently, hand-drawn animation is my strongest suite and I've done better at adapting to Andrew's character designs than I have previously, hopefully proving myself to be adaptable. In fact, this year has greatly improved the breadth of animation styles I've employed.

However, I want to further explore whether I'm over-animating some shots. Cutting on character movement keeps up pace, but in earlier versions of shots I've left very little room for stillness. Sometimes less animation is more, but I'm inherently prone to exaggerate my characters and keep their movement stretching on through every frame of the shot. This can lead to a scene seeming to lack breathing space. I've amended this to a degree as I've progressed, but I still feel as though the film's pacing could be improved upon, and a factor of this is the animation.

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